Monday, April 20, 2009

The short bus and burnt popcorn...

OK why is it that the person who burns the fucking microwave popcorn can never smell it?

The entire fucking building can be wafting with the stench of blackened butter burned popcorn that sat in the nuker on super-high for 13 minutes causing the smoke alarms to go off.

But no, fatty in the kitchen just yaps on her cell phone obivious to the negative environmental impact she is causing. Someone call Masry & Vititoe already !!

And that smell just doesn't go away. Its a special kind of stink. Kind of smells like the short bus. Old piss, BO and blue jeans.

And why is it the short bus anyway? With all the fucking retards in this world you would think someone would have the fucking idea to put them on the long bus instead.

Put the normal people on the damn short bus. After you get the burned popcorn smell out of it that is....