Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back to School

I just glanced through the "suggested answers" to the July 2009 CaliBar essays via a link posted by my fellow Bar Exam Survivor - The Grand Poobah.

As I read them I felt that same sick to my stomach feeling I felt the entire bar exam. The feeling that says "I'm just fucking over this shit already." And I am. Over it that is.

So, I'm back in school, come what may. Seems my failure to acquire an accredited undergraduate degree prior to my undergraduate courses aging approximately 20 years has left me exatcly where I started at age 18 - in my "freshman" year of college.

I am retaking the usual general education requirements over the next few semesters through two of Maricopa Coummunity Colleges' local institutions. One is wholly online and the other, well lets just say I like being in a classroom for the first time ever.

Why ?

Short version: Once I rack up 60 credits I am entering an oriental medicine degree program here in Phoenix. Its a 4 year full time (albeit evenings and weekends) professional program in modern traditional chinese medicine (acupuncture, Chinese herbology, qi gong, tui na, and on and on).

Why not?

I already am in study mode. In fact, 14 credits is less work than bar review was. Less time. Less thinking. Less stress.

No, I'm not giving up on my dreams and goals. Law never was the end all be all for me. I just forgot that after July 08.

So if you see me walking around campus say hello and buy me a coffee .... you know you want to!