I just read that a Dutch Court has lifted the court order forbidding a 14 year old girl from embarking on a solo around the world sail. As one might expect there was plenty of editorial comment following the article - most criticizing the girl, her family and even the court for allowing the sail.
The most striking observation to me is that clearly none of those who are so loudly critical of this 14 year old girl's solo sail have ever been to sea. Tales of high seas and dangerous waters, treacherous typhoons and serious squalls, shipwrecking knockdowns and more. By people who have never seen any of it. People who have never tasted the salt in the wind, or pulled a sheet through the wench and watched the sails snap to shape and feel her lean into the wind.
This young sailor, with four years of solo experience, has more sea under her than any of those who are crying about her dream. I know this because I have my sea time and I applaud this brave sailor, as would any Salt worth his ... well, his salt.
I'm not sure why, but it seems to me that most people, the masses, are deathly afraid of someone else following any dream that is outside of mainstream. Probably because it reminds them how small their dicks are I imagine.
If you have a bucket of crabs (a tasty start to a great evening I might add) you never need to put a lid on them. Any crabs that reach for the sky to get out of the bucket are swiftly pulled back down by the rest of the crabs - the masses.
All my life I have been told what I cannot do and why I cannot do it. Even after I did it. I say fuck that!
Opinions and their expression are protected by the First Amendment, and I'm a Constitutionalist so I can't argue against that protection. But fucking shit people, do you think you can limit your opinionated expressions to things that you are actually qualified to express an opinion about ?
Like all the illegal aliens who are against the new State Immigration Law here in Arizona. Illegal aliens are the least qualified people to even have a fucking opinion about that law. Do we allow burglars to protest laws against burglary, or rapists to protest laws against rape? Its the same fucking thing.
The only people qualified to express a valid opinion about this 14 year old girl are her family and the sailing families that have tied a reef before her.
Death can happen though you say? So the fuck what! I have a big fucking surprise - DEATH HAPPENS! No matter what. The most important thing is - did you have a dream and follow it.
Yes, there are two elements. You first have to dream. I don't mean dream small either. Shoot for the motherfucking stars. Someone in my family used to tell me to aim lower so I won't be so disappointed when I fail. For real. No shit. I say, fuck it.
Aim as high as you can imagine and constantly raise your aim as your perception expands and your horizons broaden.
I have sailed the sea in calm and storm, and although I am certainly not an around the world solo kind of sailor, I've been there. I've done it. If you haven't, then kindly, and I mean this in the most respectful way possible, shut the FUCK up you stupid cunts. (Emphasis added for, well, effect).
Am I pissing you off yet. I hope so. You should be pissed - wasting your fucking life for a paycheck, a mortgage, a car payment, a promotion. Where the fuck are your memories? The office christmas party doesn't count no matter how many of the office sluts you bang in the back room. Well, maybe if you bang a lot of them.
But then only because you took a risk, you stepped out of your comfort zone - even if it was only for 3 minutes. Its not that she was all that hot mind you , its the energy of doing something the masses tell you that you can't do. I say fuck it.
Back to sea. To me the ocean is a lady. Many nights she held me and rocked me to sleep. She carried me from place to place. She gave me joys that only another Sailor can understand. This 14 year old Dutch girl understands.
Even if the sea were to take her she was at least following her dream. She was doing something, instead of sitting in a chair stuffing her face with McCrap and talking shit about something she knows nothing about.
Don't try to describe what you have never seen.
So if you have not been to sea, well, you know. Crabs in a bucket. And if you don't have a dream, well that's your loss. Just stay the fuck out of mine.