Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Eat an Elephant - Part 3: We Don't Talk About The Elephant

A gentle reminder to everyone - PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THE BAR EXAM.

I stated previously that results will not be out until November 21. Yes, its a really long fucking time to wait. Why would you think I am not aware of that?

Coffee Girl at Starbucks - I swear to bhudda if she fucking asks me about the bar exam one more time I'm going to punch her in the tit. And for the last time its not a fucking test !!!!! Its name is the California Bar EXAM. Unless you have taken it, you shouldn't try to talk about it. You might end up being wrong.

Seriously though, I will let everyone know when I am ready after results come out and that doesn't mean that day.

For now, understand that my response will be a simple and direct "Fuck You" to anyone who continues to ask about it.

Its difficult to wait but its comforting to know that nothing will change the results - what's done is done. When I closed that last bluebook (actually it was yellow or canary or fucking pink or some gayass color) the results of my exam were set in ink.

While the bar graders now read and tally the points that decide who will get a license this time around I can only sit here and try to recall the whole year. If I could only run into a chum with a bottle of rum we could wind up drinking all night.

And although I seem to be changing my longitude more than I am changing my latitude, my attitudes are certainly more tropical these days.

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