Thursday, January 8, 2009

Bar Review Version 2.1

No! Not more blogshit about fucking bar review... right ?

Actually, and not surprisingly, bar review version 2.1 is nothing like version 1.0 was.
Highlights of the differences:

I am writing 3 practice essays for each of the 14 major tested subjects and 4 practice performance tests - I submit these to the bar tutors for "critique" which they provide to me via recording.

Following all of that ( 56 hours of handwriting and approximately 500 or so pages of answers and outlines completed in the next 30 days ) I will then set out to memorize some 900 plus specific rules of law and 15 or so mental checklists, write out an additional 75 or so outlines to practice questions and generally absorb "the law."

So once again I am back to making jokes that only myself and other legally minded people understand. For example, "I own blackacre" would make a lecture hall of law student piss theyselves laughing.

I also need regular reminders to eat, use deodorant and go to bed. I manage to remind myself to take showers and brush my teeth however. Provided there is hot fucking water in my house anyway.

All in all life is great, bar review is nothing like before, and the Pilot Pen Company is sending me personal "thank you" notes for contributing to their record first quarter profits.
So unlike last time, feel free to stay in touch, say hello, and show up at my 40th Birthday Party coming up on the 17th. Just don't ask me to explain the "rule against perpetuities" or I might give you a dependant relative revocation.

But if you are in the market I'm selling blackacre....

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