Wednesday, December 3, 2008

... It's nobody's iault ...

It has recently come to my attention that certain people have been telling certain other people that I am blaming her and her daughter for not passing the bar exam.

What the fuck ?

To set the record strait, I did not pass the bar exam because my score was 26 points below the passing mark. Thats really only about 12 raw points - just 2 per essay. Thats half an issue.

My multiple choice scores were not only good, but rather spectacular - indicating a solid knowledge of the law. I just didnt write enough.

While I would prefer to have passed, I'm not so disappointed that I need to blame anyone for my bar results.

I might assign some blame for other shit that occured over the years (including to myself for my own contributions) but no one else was in that exam room with me (except for the 3999 other applicants).

I can't find fault in coming so close to passing that I only have to write a total of 50 essays over the next 80 days to polish my answer organization enough to pull another 5 to 10 points out of each essay. Thats not nearly as intense as Bar Review 1.0.

I have spoken with some of my fellow not passers and quite of few of them are needing to pull another 100 points or more in order to even be in the realm of where I am. A certain Stanford Law School Dean and Constitutional Law Scholar missed the California Bar Exam passing mark by far more points than I did on her first attempt.

So I'm not blaming anyone for being in an enviable position of doing some polishing and improvement on an already damn close skill set to pass the bar exam. Its nobody's fault that I have the time, materials and emotional stability to get back on the horse, nail my organization and writing approaches, and go back in that room with a level of confidence I did not have the first time.

I'm not even stressed out this time.

Now I have to go look for my lost shaker of salt.....

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