Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanks Giving

Somewhere along the way I began a tradition of having everyone at the dinner table say what they are thankful for on Thanksgiving Day.

Because not everyone necessary for a complete giving of thanks will be at my table ( failure to join an indispensable party I think ) I am going to give my thanks here.

This Thanksgiving I am obviously thankful that I passed the California Bar Exam. I am also thankful for all the love and support (including financial) from all of the great people that stood by me while I travelled this difficult road.

April and Julie kept me sane when there was no one else. Ashley kept me insulated from anything that would distract me. John let me study when I should have been working. Eric and the mansion crew kept me drinking when I was about to give up. Kelly sent me her Angels. Mom handed me her Platinum Card and said do whatever it takes. Ronda made sure I was at the Convention Center on time every day and got me wined up with the best Lodi Zinfandel after it was over.

Max reminded me to never quit and I hung my Blue Rope from my rear view mirror as a daily affirmation that I would fight on to complete the mission. With no air conditioner in the 120 degree summer heat that Blue Rope kept me driving on Airborne.

My Wardog family went with me into every exam through the coin in my pocket, and many bought my drinks for me when the exam was over. I could never let you guys down.

She took me in when I was heartbroken and beaten and was my best cheerleader when the fight got rough. As difficult as it was to live with me through all of this she never faltered and never let me give up. This journey, which would have been unbearable alone, has become the most enjoyable journey (so far) in my life.

And I am thankful for everyone else that has encouraged and contributed to my cause for celebration this Thanksgiving.

Thank you all so much ... con todo mi ser, gracias.

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