Monday, March 2, 2009

Dude ... where's my bar exam ???

It seems I managed to get through "February" but I'm not really sure what happened. Well I do remember a few things.

I remember that first Performance Test on Tuesday. I remember thinking "FUCK!!!" and then probably saying it a few times to myself out loud. Fortunately most people had ear plugs in. You know, the material typically associated with swimming?

I remember feeling pretty much knocked out, but I reminded myself to quit being a pussy and told myself to STFU and get back in the game. Besides, most people got their salad tossed by that PT and points is points is points.

Wednesday - MBE. Due to confidentiality, copyright and non-disclosure agreements all I can say is yeah, I took it.

Thursday. How did it get to be Thursday ? They tested California evidence as a full essay and I got the distinctions mostly in the bluebook (actually it was canary or muave or some such shit).

The second Performance Test seemed more straightforward and at least I managed to solve the problem in my head. I'm still not really sure what the law of Luxembourg has to do with intellectual property rights and TRO pretrial attachments.

The best part was Friday morning. Around 7am I woke up to my phone playing "Here" and for half a second my beer battered brain told me I was late for the exam session. Then I realized it was the day after and my girlfriend was calling me to let me know she and the critters were almost to the hotel.

Naptime, again. Then off to IHOP for whatever that was they tried to serve us and after a little light complaining we got a decent plate of pancakes and were off to Disneyland.

First we had to drop the critters at the critter place. OK, yeah ALL of Disney is a critter place, but they have a doggie day care off to the side of the entrance. $40 later the critters were safely trembling in their cozy kennel and we were off to see the wiz.... ok we were Zipidy Do Da through the gate.

Pirates was pretty much the same with the addition of Cap'n Jack popping his damn realistic head up here and there. Creepy a little how much it looked like a person. But I figure a real person would have been pretty pissed when I splashed him with water. No I really didnt do that but you THOUGHT I did and that tells me how much you care.

Anyway, some tossfuck thought it would be fun to get out of the boat or something and we got stuck for 20 minutes in the middle of the ship to shore battle. Then we were off.

You know the rides so I don't need to go over it but yeah, Disney is not just for kids. Pics will be posted soon.

So after all day of Disney we had dinner with good friends and we were on the road again.

Two days of rodeo later I find myself in the office feeling guilty that I was not writing checklists or studying. It went fast. Too fast. I did what I could. I fought a good fight. Either it was enough or ot wasn't.

Either way, you know I wont quit.

May 15, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. is the next R-Day.

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